• Chigorina, 16, Kiev
  • info@babysureukraine.com

Irregular Menses


  • IUI
  • IVF
  • Fertility Booster Diet
  • Weight Loss Management
IUI: Intra Uterine Insemination

What is it?

It literally means artificial release of sperms directly into uterine cavity by bypassing the cervix and vagina. A doctor releases sperms into the woman’s uterus (Womb). These sperms then move towards fallopian ducts (ovarian ducts) where they can unite with egg cells to gradually develop into embryo (Foetus). The efforts involved in sperms’ movement from vagina to fallopian duct are avoided. Usually, the extremely narrow passage of cervix limits number of sperms passing through it into uterus. The IUI technique minimizes sperms’ efforts for swimming upto fallopian tube.

When is it necessary?

The doctor recommends this technique when pregnancy does not result even after repeated attempts and one of the following is the reason for this.

Infertility factors in males

  • Oligospermea: Sperm count in the semen of male partner is remarkably low.
  • Asthanospermea: The sperm count may be adequate or inadequate but their motility is very low.
  • Teratospermea: The sperms are morphologically abnormal. The male partner is not able to have proper erection or undergoes retrograde ejaculation and hence, is not able to release semen into vagina.
  • Hypospadias / Hyperspadiasis: The urethral opening is not located properly.

Infertility factors in females

  • Obstructive mucous: Mucous in the cervix of the female partner is scanty, thick and sticky which obstructs the passage of sperms through it.
  • Scarred cervix: Due to earlier procedures Cervix has scars that hinder the movement of sperms.

Advantages of IUI:

  • In above mentioned conditions IUI can lead to fertilization and subsequently pregnancy.
  • As most healthy sperms are separated and used in the procedure, the chance of conceiving are better.
  • It is minimal invasive procedure and hence less painful.
  • It is considerably cost effective as compared to other IVF procedures.

When it is not recommended?

IUI is not prescribed when any one or more of the following conditions is diagnosed.

  • If the female partner has blocked fallopian tubes for some reason.
  • If she has some serious pelvic infection.
  • If she is diagnosed with endometriosis.
IVF : In Vitro Fertilization

What is it?

During IVF, an egg is removed from the woman’s ovaries and fertilised with sperm in a laboratory. The fertilised egg, called an embryo, is then returned to the woman’s womb to grow and develop. It can be carried out using patient’s eggs and partner’s sperm, or eggs and/or sperm from donors.

When is it recommended?

Offered to women under the age of 43 who have been trying to get pregnant through regular unprotected sex for 2 years, or who have had failed cycles of artificial insemination.

How is it done?

IVF involves 6 main stages:

1. suppressing your natural cycle– the menstrual cycle is suppressed with medication

2. boosting your egg supply– medication is used to encourage the ovaries to produce more eggs than usual

3. monitoring your progress and maturing your eggs– an ultrasound scan is carried out to check the development of the eggs, and medication is used to help them mature

4. collecting the eggs– a needle is inserted into the ovaries, via the vagina, to remove the eggs

5. fertilizing the eggs– the eggs are mixed with the sperm for a few days to allow them to be fertilised

6. transferring the embryo(s)– 1 or 2 fertilised eggs (embryos) are placed into the womb

Once the embryo(s) has been transferred into patient’s womb, she’ll need to wait 2 weeks before taking a pregnancy test to see if the treatment has worked.

Fertility Booster Diet

Intake of proper food becomes very important during the fertility treatment. Eating certain foods during different phases of your menstrual cycle can enhance the fertility. So, if a woman wants to maximize her chances of conceiving, it is possible to eat foods that have advantageous to each phase. So, we ask our experts to weigh in on what to actually eat during each of the reproductive phase.

The list includes:

1. Plenty of fruits and vegetables
2. Complex carbohydrates – whole grains like brown rice , oats and whole meal bread .
3. Organic food where possible.
4. Oily foods like nuts, fish and oil.
5. Add lemon , pomegranate, green leafy vegetables and tomatoes to diet .
6. Flax seeds + sunflower seeds .
7. Avoid trans fats.
8. Increase intake of fibre.
9. More fish and organic eggs than red meat .
10. Avoid additive ,preservatives and artificial sweetner.
11. Reduce and avoid sugar both on its own and hidden in food .
12. Avoid caffeine : coffee, chocolate ,tea ,cola & alcohol .
13. Avoid processed food.
14. Try having fresh and home-made food.

Weight Loss Management

What is it?

It is avoiding weight gain or losing weight for improving the chances of conceiving. Too low or too high body weight can interfere with fertility of an individual and hence, needs to be managed appropriately.

How is it done?

Normally, weight loss management involved diet and exercise. The couple trying for pregnancy needs to take careful measures in this. Proper diet and moderate exercise are best recommended for weight loss. But during pregnancy if necessary, weight management must be done preferably by diet control. Heavy exercise can affect the embryonic development in uterus and hence, has to be avoided.

When is it recommended?

Excess body weight in female partner is known to reduce the possibility or pregnancy. There is a need to manage the weight appropriately for natural pregnancy or even IVF. When an obese patient approaches for IVF treatment, before treatment the patient needs to undergo weight management regime and only then the IVF protocol can be followed. As mentioned above, the weight loss should be by controlled diet and not entirely by exercise.